Flor de Calabaza

Illustrated journal entry
A hand, holding a squash blossom, sits illustrated above a handwritten journal entry. Image by Evelin Alvarado.
Dark blue slanted rectangle on a white background with handwritten white text over it. Text reads: Quesadillas de flor de calabaza. Tortillas de maíz, aceite de vegetal, queso Oaxaca, sal, flor de calabaza. The recipe for “Quesadillas de Flor de Calabaza” is handwritten below the blue rectangle. The text reads: 1. Limpia las flores 2. Calienta el aceite y agrega la cebolla, el ajo, y las flores 3. Sazona con sal y pimienta 4. Coloca el quesito en una tortilla sobre el comal 5. Añade el guisado de flor.
Dark blue slanted rectangle on a white background with handwritten white text over it. Image by Evelin Alvarado.
Portrait of Evelin

Evelin Alvarado (she/her)

Evelin is a senior studying social work at the University of Oklahoma. She is undocumented and an advocate for immigrant rights, community healing, and transformative justice. Evelin is passionate about creating space and sharing art, and uses crafting and reading as a way to resist, connect, and heal with those she loves.